Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Finished Conversation!!

Here it is! Our Masterpiece!


  1. Well done Lindsay and Maria!

    I don't think the project is completely persuasive because I do not feel the need to take action about sexting.

    There are two possible view points shown about sexting.

    The sentences seem to respond to each other seriously sometimes, but just give opinions the other times.

    I get lost with how is speaking throughout the piece. I am not sure if the text colors denote who is speaking or not.

    There are at least 10 sentences used.

    Overall, I think the speed is good, but some parts are a little too fast for my eyes.

    I think you've experimented with the persuasiveness of text by using a lot of different kids of movement and transformations.

    There doesn't seem to be hard facts in the piece, but there are opinions. Perhaps they researched these opinions.

    No sound is used.

  2. I had trouble with some of the font speed. The wipes and removal of the text was awesome. Also the motion of everything played out very well through the presentation. I think you both did a good job transitioning from one sentence to the next when the sentence began with the same word. So Good JOB!

  3. I really liked the way your guys's words moved onto the screen. They were very varied, so that kept it interesting to read, but I felt it was most effective when you had a phrase appear and then have the last half replaced by a new last half (e.g. You did it --> the "You" remains and the "did it" is replaced by "knew better."). I liked this because it allowed you to emphasize the parallel structure and have your repetition be concise but effective.

    I also liked the sample sexts being sent at the beginning.

  4. THis is a really well done animation. It is very cohesive and smart. Each animation and movement have a reason behind them and they seem to only amplify the meaning of the piece.

    Two different sides are brought up and the conversation realistic. I'm able to follow it easily. Good job!

  5. Hello Maria and Lyndsay:
    I really liked this project of yours. i think that you both did a nice job making the piece relavant and current to our generation and this time in our society. i also like that the piece was not angry exactly or vulgar. Two sides are definitely defined and I think that the piece does persuade us to hold ground that sexting has some very real and perminent consequences. The piece also uses the elements of flash very nicely to emphasis certain points of the peice. The piece also does not use sound:)
    I enjoyed the contrast of elements, points of view, colors and personality in this piece:) NICE!!

  6. I like the conversation. It was an interesting topic that clearly supported both sides of the argument. The animations are well done. Great job.

  7. Wow! I'm really impressed with the way you guys interpreted the project. I feel like you really constructed your project around the possibilities of animated text. Every line had a purpose and was depicted in a way that conveyed its meaning more effectively than had it been simply printed on a page.
    There were definitely distinct voices within the piece. Sometimes it felt like it may have been internal dialogue--this was the experience of one person but they had mixed emotions about it. I really liked that approach.

    The only think I would have liked to see more of was some factual evidence to support your topic--maybe a statistic on the amount of people who have sexted?

    Otherwise, I really liked it. It definitely got me thinking about the multiple perspectives on the issue.

  8. I feel that the way it was presented as well as the argument about who is responsible in sexting is persuasive.

    There are two different positions, but it is unclear to me what makes them distinct from each other.

    The sentences respond to each other seriously, and show some research into opinions on sexting.

    The speed is a bit fast.

  9. The animation is really polished. It shows control over the whole symbol tweening thing. The question of who is to blame shall carry on. In the meantime turn your sexts into phone convos. Or better yet real life convos

  10. The piece worked well. I was very impressed with the tweens and transitions with the pieces (having words magnified and other words peeking out from behind, the general interaction between the pieces, etc.)

    I was a bit hung up on who was talking at any given time; I feel like there were three or even four people talking at some points in time but the message wasn't garbled at all so it's a forgivable point.

    Crisp, clean, but still aesthetically engaging.

  11. I like this animation. It shows the two opposite sides. I enjoyed watching the animations that you did. Some of the paragraphs moved by to fast, I would have liked to have been able to take my time reading them.

  12. the text? I was wondering if y'all used the bone tool? it's a cool tool and must easier to use than twines. although there were two; possible three voices in the conversation (identified by color mostly, but how it appeared on stage). I was not really sure if there was a persuasive tone between the speakers to the conversation, but it sure did inform the viewer of the risk sexting. blahblahblah done typing...now.
